Understanding the Effects of Individual Determinants on Small and Micro Enterprises Growth

  • Muazu Hassan Muazu Bayero University, Kano (BUK)
  • Abubakar Daudu Bala Kaduna Polytechnic
  • Aliyu Usman Hassan Kaduna Polytechnic


In today’s business world, small and micro enterprises have greater role to play in economic development of countries. They are the very sector closer to the people and therefore their informal nature makes it easier for employment creation among the poor.  Some of them grow and some don’t, however, they cannot explain the reasons behind their scenarios, to some only organisational and environmental forces determine the rate at which they grow which is not always the case. This paper being literature based tries to elaborate on the various individual determinants of small enterprise growth and how they influence or affect decision and effort to grow the enterprise. Mostly, they are internal and within the control of the entrepreneur, so to say, the determinants includes entrepreneur’s personality traits, growth motivation, individual competencies and personal background of the entrepreneur. These determinants influence growth of not only smaller businesses but to a large extent even bigger firms. Related literature from academic journal articles, texts, thesis, seminar paper, term papers and online resources were reviewed for better discourse on the paper. The paper thus conclude that for small and micro businesses to grow, it is important for entrepreneurs and managers of companies to understand and appreciate these determinants, a times even acquire, learn, and or mould them in order to meet up with the growing capacity of the enterprise today and in the near future.      


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How to Cite
MUAZU, Muazu Hassan; BALA, Abubakar Daudu; HASSAN, Aliyu Usman. Understanding the Effects of Individual Determinants on Small and Micro Enterprises Growth. GOUNI Journal of Management and Social Sciences, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 116-127, june 2016. ISSN 2550-7265. Available at: <http://journal.gouni.edu.ng/index.php/fmss/article/view/17>. Date accessed: 14 may 2018.


Enterprise-growth; Entrepreneurs; Individual-determinants; Business