Social Control: The Society and the Police in Action

Ugwuozor, Ifeanyi Samuel (2020) Social Control: The Society and the Police in Action. IDOSR JOURNAL OF ARTS AND MANAGEMENT, 1 (5). pp. 99-103.

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Social control is about the enforcement of rules, norms, regulations and laws of a society in order to create a social order. Traditionally every society has its own informal method of social control to ensure conformity of the people to its acceptable standard of behavior. With the emergence of modern state, formal and specialized methods of managing deviance from the pervading societal norms have been institutionalized. This is the police system of social control and its responsibilities include the maintenance of public orders and safety. The operational approach of the police system in Nigeria is known as the consensus approach which requires the cooperation and collaboration of the police and the people in the maintenance of social order, as both are on agreement on what constitutes law and order. There have been indications that all is not well in the relationship of the police and the people. This point was made clear in the ENDSARS mass protest and campaign in October 2020 against police brutality in which several lives and property were lost. The people called for police reform. This paper, which is coming from the functionalist perspective, maintains that destruction and anarchy awaits any society or state that ignores the importance of social control. We also recognized the indispensability of the police and policing system in any modern state and call for measures to improve the relationship between the police and the people. To achieve this however, the police system must undergo some reforms in its operational style, and on this the paper presented some suggestions that could be considered in the proposed reformation. Keywords: Social control, Police, Endsars, society and operational style.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HN Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform
Divisions: Faculty of Management and Social Sciences
Depositing User: mrs chioma hannah
Date Deposited: 16 Apr 2024 09:52
Last Modified: 16 Apr 2024 09:52

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